Thursday, September 26, 2013

If you can dream, it you can do it. (Walt Disney)

So the dreams and aspirations bucked up and got into gear after my last post on Monday mid afternoon. I hit the gym for 3 days straight; pumped it like I never pumped it before!! It let go of all the tension I had been feeling over the weekend and I guess the weekend was the wake up call I needed!!

Hit WW on Tuesday with a little feeling I had lost something but wasn't too sure. Surely the gym on Monday and Tuesday before I had gone had something to show for? The nerves, dread and excitement were palpable on the lead up and when I hopped up on the scales. My leader Trish asked how the week went and I briefly told her I was bold from Thursday onwards. She smiled at me and then turned to tell me I had lost 1 and a half pounds!!! For the first time in ages I felt so proud of myself! The meltdown on Sunday about being so over weight had kicked me up the wobbly bum and got me going!! In reward I received a sticker for my Christmas tree which has 14 balls (one for each pound we lose). I picked a calming blue sticker. I didn't get a chance to stay at the meeting as my family were visiting unexpectedly but that was the buzz I needed to keep me going for the week!

It's Thursday now and apart from focusing on the gym and my weight I've decided to be that little bit stricter on myself in order for positive thoughts to engulf my mind. Therefore, I have set out a timetable for myself for every day for this week and next week. I am covering the main things to keep on top of everything such as the gym, washing the clothes, etc. It has really helped and I would really recommend it to everyone to get organised!! I was always an organised person; bills paid, everything in it's right place but a lot of daily routines went astray. I used to put things on the long finger and then spend a whole week trying to get on top of it. For example; I managed to get all my washing done, car hoovered, room hoovered and cleaned, books organised and food diary planned for the next few days until the weekend. Why? Because I'm teaching this evening and I am hitting straight home on Friday for the choir festival. I even shocked myself by realising I wouldn't have gotten a chance to do it if I didn't do it last night!!

School is going great at the minute. Planning to get all my notes up to date at the weekend so I don't fall behind there. I always seem to let my personal life thrive and my work life turn in to hell or the other way around the past year but as of this week I am turning a new leaf. I have more of a clue about what I'm doing with Learning Support and Resource this year so why not thrive at it?!

I hope this blog has been some sort of inspiration for my non-blog supporters. If there is none of ye out there then it'll be an inspiration to myself!

Key to a healthy mind is ORGANISATION and a DREAM to do it all.

Thanks Walt Disney for the inspiration and thanks to my meltdown for the kick up the arse!!

Lets continue to kick the brick wall down! :)


Monday, September 23, 2013

Brick by Brick the Wall goes up...

The shadow of doubt fear and hoplessness took over from Thursday night onwards...and has failed to lift since. On such a good roll with the WW and I drink a bottle of wine in total at the gig in the pub. I wake up on Friday morning have my shower and am unable to go to work I'm feeling so bad. Call in sick. I feel like I've let myself down and I am so so disappointed in myself.

Along with the down in the dumps came the food...and lots of it at that!! I managed to horse down 2 Supermacs', 1MacDonalds, 4 Bulmers, 2 JD and Coke, well as the normal food which I still ate at the regular times. How disappointing can things get? I am beyond disgusted with my weight right now.

To add to that was a call from himself saying he'll have to repeat his first year in college because he missed over 20 days....that puts our lives in a total mess with me being 4 and half years older than him. I am so disappointed and feel like God is throwing so many opportunities, blow by blow to allow me to break up with him. Just  when things seemed to be going perfectly this is slapped in my face. Of course I did my B Plan which was already sussed out in my head regardless of whether he had to repeat or not. Masters starting next year......weight has to be gone this year. The pressure is on.

I feel like I've run into as many bric walls as possible and I can't seem to find the light to lead to a healthy body and mind. Hitting the gym with a hot shot this evening after the Croke Park hour (which was told this morning of I might add). it's time I took control of my life and my body...It's gone too far.

It's time to knock those bricks down.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Thursday. The busiest day of my week. School from 8:30-2:30 and teaching music from 3:30-8:30. Gigging from 10:00-1:30. Surprisingly enough this is a shortened day of music teaching for me. That's my starter for the mood capturing of blog number 2!

So Tuesday's WW day turned out to be very eventful. So eventful that I wasn't able to drag myself away fromt eh couch yesterday evening to go to the gym!! Let me start with leaving work at 2:30. Chanced going to the gym to be given an introduction to the ladies gym upstairs. Carved out similarily to that of Curves years ago. I did one round after this which lasted 15 minutes and without any water and inhalers I hit the road again in preparation for WW.

The meeting was so so so busy!! A lot of women of all sizes and men aswell!! The crowd was so big out leader was late starting. And no wonder it was packed!! Our leader, Trish (I think) was so motivational. She gave me the kick up the ass that I needed to get on my way. Weighing in at 14.5 she gave me the inspiration to lose a stone by xmas at just 1 pound per week. Yes, I was so mad for go...raring like I was late for mass! :)

So came home and I guess things went down hill from there. Bad habits settle in and I am tired for work on Wednesday...and Thursday....thankfully not bad eating habits but staying up late, avoiding the gym. Really feeling down and out. But without any reason! I still can't figure it out!!

So here I am at work, slightly cranky at how I've spent my week. So as a last hope of motivation to myself I'll congratulate myself on joining the gym, joining weight watchers, watching my eating for 4 days now and being on time for work. Without that I'd be a goner!!

So as Trish said; we can't blame anyone else but ourselves for not losing the weight. Worrying about things won't get you anywhere (and in my case, thinking about things too much) you have to get up and DO something about it.

Not exactly an eye catching blog for today my non-followers but atleast it's a load of the shoulders and a will to continue on and look at the poitives no matter how big or small they are. We all have our 'blah' days. Well here's mine!!

Onwards and upwards...get the crap out of your doodle-doo!! :)
A x

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weighting around for too long!

So here it is! The reason for my ambition of creating a weight loss journey.

For some reason watching Sex and City and Carrie writing down her most inner thoughts and questions in life seemed appealing to me because sometimes, just sometimes, you can't exactly share you deepest thoughts with your dearest friends before sending them off to the moon to cure their mind of my insanity!

I'm not a girl of the verbal kind; I find it very easy to express myself on paper. I am a primary teacher. You think primary teacher; lots of holidays, looking fabulous, a guardian for children for 90% of their childhood days, slim, fabulous, great form and attitude towards life....well here I am to bust all those concoctions out of the's not all fun and games!!

Work, like any other profession has it's ups and down; it's bullies and chic 'cliques', it's typical secondary school 'high school' goings-on. You feel the stress, the tiredness, the lack of enthusiasm atleast a hundred times a day. But you have to look at all the spurts of positivity and drive you feel inbetween. Right? Otherwise you'll be booking in to some retreat to cleanse the body soul and mind!

I for one don't consider myself normal. I am a glass case of emotions. I am a nut when it comes to getting things done. I am a very emotional person (thanks to Mother Nature I might add!) Sure what woman isn't?! As I blog every day (or as much as I need to get off my slightly too big chest) you'll get to know me silent, non-existing bloggerettes (and male bloggers if they are so inclined to get into the head of one woman).

The past has taught me a lot. The past has ruined me a lot. The past is the past. For so long I was leaning on the later part....the past has ruined me. Up until the summer I always thought this until my wonderful ginger boyfriend whipped my ass into gear. I'm sure that's due another blog down the line! So as of today I'm aiming to hit that dreaded meeting in Weight Watchers....see the 14.5 stone infront of me and hope to NEVER see that number again only on the negative side of my weight! ;) I might even be hopping into your pocket for the day if I lose that much ! :)

So here's to a new beginning. There is no flow to this blog in terms of subject; paragraph...but believe me...there's a lot going on upstairs that needs to be sorted out. My own personal therapist in the form of this blog will please God, sort my life out in the emotional sense.

A x